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Validation Code Overview
Updated over 9 months ago

Validation codes add an additional layer of security as it requires both your password and a secondary code. Our system will ask for a validation code every 30 days or when a new browser session is detected.

There are three ways to receive your validation code: via email, text message, or Google Authenticator. By default, you will receive your validation codes via the email address associated with your user account.

To change your delivery method from email to text message, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the username in the top right corner

  2. Select My Profile

  3. Click the blue now! under "Associated Mobile Number"


  4. Type in your phone number in the Number field and click Add number

  5. You will be sent a code via text to validate this is your phone. Type in the validation code and click Verify number

  6. Once the number is validated you will see a drop down menu appear in the main settings area labeled "Validate my session via". Click on the drop down and change the current setting from Email to Text

  7. Type in your current password into the "Current password" field

  8. Click Save Changes

Moving forward, validation codes will be sent as a text message to the verified phone number.

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