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Dashboard (Home) Overview  
Updated over 5 months ago

This article explains how to navigate the LawPay Pro Web App's dashboard and includes information about the Home Tab.

Daily Activities

The dashboard or Home page is your starting point for all daily activities and includes a financial snapshot of your firm’s Outstanding Invoices, Timesheet Calendar, Online Payments and Total Transactions.


The Left Menu includes tabs like:

  1. A link to Tell us what you think, which helps us improve the product and user experience.


The top of the screen contains:

A Search bar and a Quick Add button allows you to Add a Contact, Time Entry, Expense or Create an Invoice.


The Profile Icon allows you to view and edit your Profile, Get Support, and View our Privacy Policy and Terms. You can also go back to LawPay or Logout.


The Middle of the screen includes buttons that allow you to complete everyday tasks such as:


Dashboard Reports

Below the quick access buttons are Charts and Graphs that allow Insights into:

  1. Outstanding Invoices

  2. Online Payments

  3. Total Transactions

    Note: Admins make this available or not available to firm users, depending on what financial information an Admin or owner wants the rest of the firm to see. These preferences are done in Settings.

  4. A Timesheet Calendar to track time and time-related goals.


To see how each dashboard report works, click here.

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